angelp11 / Member

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Hello , this is a kind of update, cause I've been doing a couple of things these days.

First, lets go with what is happening today. If anyone out there is a fan of portal, then you should download this (you have to subscribe and wait 26 mins. to start downloading it). It's a promising unofficial prequel mod of portal, Portal Prelude, in which we are placed at the aperture laboratories before glados was installed, but what replaces glados are humans!. They say it has some cool test chambers and a decent storyline. Right now I'm downloading it, but I'll talk about it a bit when I'm finished playing it.

And Today is my birthday!:D (that's the reason of the post title)

Next. I've finally started playing Mass Effect! And I totally think it's as awesome as the reviews said it would be. I generally don't like that much RPGs, that on top of that are 3rd person shooters, but this game impressed me. The fighting styyle, graphics and voice acting are pretty cool. The thing I like the most is the decisions you can take while you are talking to a person and how they affect the world. Anyways, I still have quite a bit of storyline to finish.

Another game I played was Spore. But it didn't look for me as the reviews shaped it. It's a nice game, but it isn't that impressing for me. Some evolutionary levels are quite boring and monotonous. I'm on the last evolutionary level, but I'm not so excited for it anymore.

Anyways, if you are looking for a basic LAN-type game to play with your friends, then Defcon is da game you're lookin' for. It just occupies 50megabytes and It's very addictive. I've been playing this with a couple of friends these days, and it is very fun. Basically you have to nuke as much people as possible from the enemy continent with a navy, some airports and many silos. But at the end everybody dies. You can check out the demo here.

And finally, I've been downloading some media. I'm a big fan of Dexter, and the new season is here, so I downloaded the first two episodes of the new season. I can't wait to check them out. Another thing I've downloaded is the Games on Smash podcast, it's xtremely funny and informative. Games on Smash is a new web-page, but it is starting to have some influences at the video-game industry. Check it out here. (warning: PS fan-boy site)

That's it!