Ok the whole point of gamerscore is bragging rights as it is basically valueless. But wtf...since when is bragging between friends NOT a big thing ? I say anyone that cheats should get an automatic beatdown. No appeals, no arguments. A simple straight up beatdown.
A bunch of friends and I were all competing between work/family/life etc to get a high gamerscore and we were all basically doing badly, I had the highest at around 22k. The next nearest was 9k. Then suddenly within 48 hours a guy who only ever plays GoW2 jumped from 6k to 14k. Now ok yeah I know it is maybe possible but considering he went from 30g on assassins creed (part 1) to having all achievements plus going from 20g to all acheivements on borderlands...in 48 hours... not including dj hero, battlefield 2, and lost planet 1&2 ... c'mon... that's just plain ol cheating.
Now sure on pc games in the past I was well up for cheating to get past a level in r-type or manic miner. Xbox gamerscore should be sacrosanct imo and uncheatableistic.
I may be naive and wet behind the ears but it was nice to think that somewhere out there was a place which was cheat free, where everyone earned each point of "g" to add to their own individual gamertag. Now I am left bewildered, bedazzled and metaphorically buttf**ked.
Do microsoft have a *hit* department ? Or should I be the bigger man and let this aside ...pass ?
I feel action is necessary. Then again the buddhist way would be to ignore it and let karma have it's own revenge. Then again I'm not a buddhist. I'm a tooth for a tooth type person. So revenge. Any ideas ? Preferentially ones that save me doing 25-life.
Looking forward to red dead redemption.
Gamertag : Squarerbrute.
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