Hours of fun were had with my dad's big, grey brick of a gaming system called the Game Boy with a simple title known only as 'Tetris'. My God... one of those games that continues to endure to this day (along with another well-known title listed by name in GameSpot's history as far as events go) that is oft-imitated, but never duplicated. Thank God there were a few good minds behind the Iron Curtain in 1985...
These... are the best of the best. No boss from any other game could top 'em off... except for maybe Nemesis, but he'd get pwned by these guys in an instant. My fav of them all, however, was The Boss. I felt like I was getting slashed in the chest, knowing that I'd have to kill someone that you're character was deeply involved with... I actually cried when I pulled the trigger on here.
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