I finally beat Bayonetta on Non Stop Infinite Climax :D
It was the last trophy I had left for my Platinum. I'm usually not into trophies that much, the only reason I have quite a bit is because I own around 30 games. But this game just totally brought out the completionist and perfectionist in me. I actually ended up finishing NSIC with an overall "Platinum" rank which this game's equivalent of "S" rank in Devil May Cry. I was surprised to see that but at the same time I was kinda aiming for it too.
I can whole heartedly say at this point I feel Bayonetta has virtually perfected the hack n' slash formula. Now, I'm not that big on hack n' slash games but DMC was only one I could really. I enjoyed God of War always found it to be too much "flailing" and none of the attacks felt like I was connecting with an object. I know a lot of people love Ninja Gaiden but I really didn't care for it, the difficulty seemed to rely on cheap enemies and poor camera angles. Bayonetta takes the formula I love from DMC and evolves it to a whole another level. Why has it perfected the hack n' slash formula? Because:
- it's very accessible to anyone of any skill level yet will truly test even hardcore gamers on the higher difficulties
- it recollects so many different games from Resident Evil to Space Harrier yet manages to completely avoid the trap of being derivative and totally stands on it's own
- the most ridiculous and insane action I've seen in a game thus far: a British dominatrix lady who uses her "hair demons" to fight twin headed dragon angels with upside down faces while on the side of a church, and that just barely scratches the surface
- fantastic amount of replay value and as a fan of RE4, I love replay value
- some of the best music I've heard for boss fights like this
- it never relies on cheap or unfair tactics to be difficult, it requires timing and reaction to be successful
When you put all of this together, coupled with the responsiveness of controls and thousands gigatons of fun to be had, it's easily one of my favorite games this gen. I'm sure there's someone more suited to talk about hack n' slash games but as a gamer, Bayonetta is the best the genre has to offer. Anways, just wanted to share my own "Non Stop Infinite Climax" with everyone. Oh, that was terrible :P