Okay so I lied. I'll be making one every 10 hours, not 5. 5 hours is too little for a game like this.
Anyways back to the game. It's awesome. I'm absolutely loving it with the only flaw being it's still quite linear and how dreadful those first few hours were. It doesn't even feel like I'm playing the same game because everything is 1000x more deep and challenging. I'm on Chapter 10 and I'm not gonna spoil anything, but I managed to defeat the hardest boss so far. He was such a tough fight. I starting to think he was impossible but that's when I learned the importance of the Sentinel role and juggling opponents in the air. The amount of strategy and tactics that can be put into the battle system is simply amazing, it can be a very challenging game but oh so rewarding. I have pretty much developed a set of rules and strategies I imploy in battle.
For example, in my Paradigm deck I always have 3 defensive Paradigms and 3 offensive Paradigms. At the top of the Paradigm deck is my most offensive set up (usually consisting of Com/Com/Rav) and at the bottom is my most defensive one (consisting of Med/Sen/Med or Syn). I've basically fallen in love with the Tri Disaster paradigm which includes 3 Ravagers. It totally decimates any enemy in a matter of seconds.
If I were to describe the challenge I find in this game, it would be somewhere between Portal and DMC3. Not in difficulty but in the way the game challenges you. Not only do you have to think in strategic ways but have to able to think up new plans right on the fly. This fine balance between reaction time and puzzle-like thinking that makes victory oh so much more rewarding. I've never felt such satisfaction from coming up with a solid battle plan and implementing it successfully in combat before. Those first 8 hours are a joke compared to what's going on now.