I just want to make it clear so that no one thinks I'm as sheepish and idioitic as my username suggests. It's probably one of the worst and most unoriginal username for anything out there, even including Xbox LIVE and PSN and I seen my fair share of crap names. It's as uninspired as those parody movies like Meet the Spartans or Epic Movie.
What can you do? (Well, obviously do jack all neither can I). I was 13 years when I joined up here on Gamespot and now I'm 16 and oh how my opinions have changed. For the record, I hate anime now (at least the ones I didn't grow up with i.e. DBZ, Gundam, Pokemon, Digimon) it seems anime is either extremely serious/emo/pretentious or extemely cutesy/schoolgirl/Japanese attempt at a sit-com with animation. Also, "gamer" is probably one of the most boring, unintelligent words you could put in an account nam on a GAMING site. You're on a gaming site, clearly you're already a gamer. There's no need to announce with every post (talking to self in third person, totally not insane ;)). And then, I slapped on "007" because I think I had just watched Casino Royale and I thought I was being cool or something.
Anyways, that's my rant on............me. Just wanted to make a few clarifications on my God awful username. Oh well, at least I picked a half decent PSN ID: LiquidRob. It's simply and I like it, besides it's pretty cool to have people calling me "Liquid". I always respond back with "BROTHER!!!!! IT'S BEEN TOO LONG!!" and they get freaked out and leave. I suppose, I could have picked a worse name like "assassin_ninja4827" or "HeroKen-ii" or even something like "Cyberendpunk"(that one's pretty bad).