Okay, I'm gonna try to make this quick and to the point.............ish.
So, I bought the new RE5 DLC because I was interested into it and needed to get rid of that $8 that was lingering on my account. And man am I extremely pleased with this. I usually expect DLC to be the developers way of saying "I like money, I like money a lot please pay $10 for something that easily could have been in game". But this is not that at all. Sure it could have been in the story mode and sure it could have been longer but that hour and half of content is Capcom's love letter to the fans. They're basically saying "Yes we know RE5 wasn't scary and was more like a third person shooter than a survival horror game. Well here's Lost in Nightmares. Have fun.........and try not to wet yourselves" Lost in Nightmares is fan service at it's best. If you've played through RE1 and loved it, YOU NEED TO PLAY Lost in Nightmares! You need to! This DLC actually more scary and more atmospheric than any section in RE5 or probably even RE4. I love the references to the original. For example, it's not really a reference but I feel Capcom put it in for a reason. During the chapter there'll be sections were Jill gets to lock pick just like she did in the original. As soon as I saw this I immediatley thought of Barry's line "Here you take this. It'll be more useful to you since you're the master of unlocking!". There's tons of other references but I won't spoil them for people who want to play the DLC. There's also a Mercenaries Reunion which includes Barry Burton and Excella. I think Barry is my new favourite character in all of the Mercenaries modes in any RE. He beats out Krauser in RE4. Why? HE FREAKIN' HEAD BUTTS PEOPLE'S HEADS OFF! He also has a move called the Barry Sandwich. I'm looking forward to playing as Rebecca in the next DLC pack.
I hope the next Resident Evil installment ,which I heard is a reboot but I don't think that's confirmed, is more like Lost in Nightmares than RE5. I was genuinely scared while playing it and I've had the most co-op fun I've ever had playing Mercenaries Reunion. The only thing missing is Jill in her STARS outfit, oh and we can't forget that tube top and mini skirt she wore in RE3 :P
P.S. I have a slightly more in depth review up here