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Well, I'm addicted to Fallout 3.....again

I just started playing Fallout 3 again but this time with Good Karma and it's pretty addicting once again. This game has an amazing amount of replay value. I think you could play through it 10 times and have a completely different experience each time. On my first save, I was the most evil person imaginable in the game. Mainly because the VATS system in the game makes it so rewarding to just go around and kill people. I would literally go to any town and see if there was a quest to complete and if there wasn't I would kill everyone in the town and raid the place. My Charisma was really low and my strength and intelligence was REALLY high, I let my Chinese Assualt Rifle do the talking for me.

However, this time around I being a complete Good Guy, so much that I even named my character "Good Guy" and it's actually still really fun. I thought at first it would have been quite boring but when you do all these good things and people like you way more, it's pretty rewarding. That's one problem I've found with games where you can choose to be Good or Evil, the Good side is always so damn boring. Even inFamous, one of the best games on the PS3, after beating it as a bad guy I started to play through as a good guy and it was really unrewarding. Even if you save someone in inFamous they still call you a terrorist and you get no compliments. That's why I'm so surprised how much fun Fallout 3 is while being good and it's a RPG, so naturally I can't put the damn thing down:P

And if anyone's wondering, no I did not blow up Megaton on my first run. I actually defused the bomb about half way through the game and thought I could change my ways and become good because everyone basically hates you in the game if you're evil. But I found out how useful my Combat Shotgun is in these situations:twisted:

Anyways, I was just wondering if anyone else gets addicted to games where you level up and gain xp? I think that's the reason I loved COD4 and COD:WaW so much. Of course, I only prestiged once in COD4 because right now I'm working on my Golden AK-47 and Golden M1014.