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animegamer5892 Blog

The Final Blog...

Well, its finally here, you all knew it was coming, at least those of you who really care. I hate to sound like "that guy", you know the douche that constantly says they are leaving but pops back up a week later, yeah... I'm not gonna be that guy. This is my last blog with any actual thought in it. Of course I'll be back, I enjoyed a bunch of the things you guys had to say and I want to see what you guys are really up to, but I feel that this site has become, too, in a way, child like, which is strange since the updates have made it anything but. In a few days I'll make another blog, posting all the other sites I frequent now. I'm really getting into flash, got another tablet, and I want to actually try to make something awesome. Any of you folks ever heard of Adam Phillips, he made the Brackenwood series, that dude is a total inspiration and I want to make stuff like his one day, but I'll probably need 10 + years of animating for Disney to get close to his works. I really want to mellow out, definately something I'm gonna to do next year. It's just too fast paced for me. I'm a 16 year old with no damn aspirations, I GOTTA START NOW, EVERYONE ELSE IS GETTING DONE. So I plan on cutting a few things down, ever since my Ecks Bawks died, I've been tiddling with it, I need to find out what I really wanna do, I've only got a few more months of "being a kid" left. Gotta get up, gotta get moving, life doesn't wait for you! I'm getting in a tiff, lemme calm down...I'm gonna miss this place a little bit, It was like a digital journal, only the journal was kinda like an ass sometimes. On a lighter note, Christmas is in two days folks! you guys happy! Well, I already know half the stuff I'm gonna get, a tablet *duh* big 'ol PS3, a computer chair * need another one of those* and some other stuff. Look at me still going on, it might be 11 but there is still work to do! Gotta get to it! Later!

*On another note, I'm gonna delete EVERYTHING FROM MY PROFILE. heh my little present for the staff, a little tiny pressure relief for thier severs.*