About a month ago, I acquired a little spending money and decided to get a game for my DS with it. As I was at my local Wal-Mart (usually I go to a hobby shop like EBGames, but just happend to be in Wally World this day), I scanned the DS aisle and found nothing I wanted at first glance. Brain Age, in particular, was a game I was not dying to get, considering the fact that it was "edutainment," which doesn't exactly get me as excited as say some good action/adventure title. However, I had heard a lot of good things about Brain Age and on a whim decided to settle for the game considering there was nothing else I wanted available at Wal-Mart (no Meteos- argghhh) and it had a value price. Little did I know that when I started playing this game, it would become as addictive and mentally stimulating as it was......yes, I said addictive and mentally stimulating, which are two descriptive terms that aren't usually associated with one another. Since I have been out of divinity school all summer, putting my nose in the books has been the last thing I have wanted to do and instead, I have gamed a lot. Needless to say, my mind had gone to mush (though I had lightning fast hand-eye coordination as a result!). Brain Age changed all that, though. Ever since I started playing the game, I have really felt like my mind has been getting some necessary love and care. It really does "exercise" your brain, as it claims to do. The minigames are all things that would seem dead-boring, like doing simple calculations and reading things aloud, but it ends up becoming addictive to beat your best time and set new records. Also, trying to acquire a better brain age everyday becomes addictive as well (and difficult - I won't even mention my age at the moment!). I really recommend this game to everyone, even if you think edutainment sounds about as fun as reading a 500-page school textbook from beginning to end in one sitting. With school set to start in a week for me, I'm glad that I'll be going in with a "buff" brain. Now I feel a little more prepared to do all that reading we divinity school students do regularly. As Mario would say, it is "just what I needed!" :D
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