It's time for a change. Of blog. Holidays are all over, so a new blog is long over-due.
I came back to Brussels, after a long kick-and-scream-to-stay-in-Serbia fight with my parents. I hated this place, honestly. Especially the school. It was way too far away, in Waterloo (could't escape if I wanted to), because only there they didn't insist on learning Dutch (mine is kinda rusty, ya know?). Taking me at least an hour to go to school and back each day left little room for anything else. Other than that, they didn't like me, and I didn't like them. By "they", I mean the profs and the students. The kids were mostly snobs, taking every opportunity to mock me and laugh at me because of my French (I got a funny accent), and also kept pointing out that I was somehow uncivilized compared to them. Yeah, well, I refuse to be called primitive who dips ham sandwiches into soup. I just won't tolerate that. :) The teachers too always tried to make it look like I'm somehow trying to cheat them... So, the bullying got worse, and right before Christmas it turned into near physical abuse - this one guy punched me in the face. He said it was an accident, but come on, it really takes an effort to split someone's lip by accident...
So I said I wasn't going back there. And my parents agreed to help me switch schools if I came back to live with them. And it worked out :D
So for three weeks I've been at this school which is 15 minutes from my place, and, if the principal is to be trusted, there are 59 nationalities. I just absolutely love it. :lol: Everyone is really nice, and more importantly, fun. :) Oh, and last night, I had my first night out since I came here! Went to the movies with these two girls from school, and for a beer later. It was beautiful I tells ya!
I guess the problem with this whole thing was that no-one really believed me how bad it was at the first school, called me spoiled and lazy for not trying to make an effort to fit in, so I ran into very little understanding as to why I wanted to leave. Just that every time I tried to make an effort, it literally bounced off the wall. But oh well, it don't matter now. Now I'm getting them all pwned at school, getting more active, speaking much more comfortably, and making friends. :)
I hope I didn't bore you guys with this, it's just... This has been an elephant in the room for so long, I'm just soooo happy that it's better. :)