Oh how I love holidays! For the past week and a half I've been doing absolutely nothing. :) And I'm as happy as a pig in poo. The weather's been really nice, springtime, etc.
So for the first week, everyone is out of town, and I was here all alone *gets her violin*, so I was pretty much camping out at the cinema. I watched Milk, Monsters vs Aliens, and The Wrester (that one wasn't my idea). I absolutely loved every moment of Milk. And one small part made me sniffle :) I'm going soft... And I also went alone for the first time in ages. It felt rather good, actually.
Monsters vs Aliens I also really liked. I mean Stephen Colbert as the president :lol: And Kiefer Sutherland. Of course, I don't even have to explain all of my joys of Hugh Laurie being it it, right? ;) Oh, and for the record Insectosaurus is THE cutest thing ever! (My friend kept calling him disgusting. That's just rude).
Now about The Wrestler... Man, that was bad. Even the guy I went with admitted it was bad (and he made me go in the first place). First half of the move I admit I kept my eyes closed. :oops: As I said, I'm soft. And the other stuff was... just not developed enough. Everything was so shallow and then it ended and we went like "wtf?!".
And I also journalised (is that a verb yet?) a little bit. I wrote a small article for some online news site. I'll just leave it at that. I do not wish to be the third generation of journalists in my family. I refuse.
Only bummer is I got plenty of stuff for school to do. Most of it is going well except English. It's been driving me completely insane since I got here. First of all, they're given the questions in English, and then answer in French! And then people get all shocked how school kids don't speak English right. Another bit that's been bothering me is that in French we don't do almost an literature that wasn't written in French. If I happen to mention anything else, I all get is "Yes, it exists, but we don't do that here". Well, I finally got my wish granted and we are to read Shakespeare. And in English. Yay. And then I saw what it was. Six plays, butchered into 10 pages, in simplified language. Midsummer Night Dream looks like a really bad fairy tale. Now I'm about to start Taming of the Shrew and Othello. How either of that can be put in 10 pages, I have no idea. Worse yet, I have to summarise it in 2 handwritten pages. Blasphemy!
Phew, glad I got that out of my system.
Raining pretty bad up here so I'm staying in tonight.
Oh, and I was gonna say - I'm sorry I haven't commented on blogs much. "Submit" button never works the first time I click. Then I get annoyed, start clicking more times, and then it posts the thing like 5 times. So to save everyone's comments from getting spammed... Anyway, tuckgraph, I still can't stop looking at that plate of yours :lol:
Take care, y'all! :)