what does microsoft do to differenciat the age differences?cause im 17 and i mean i dont wanna not be able to download m games or something just cause i put under 18. so what are the differences depending on which on u choose
Yes it is. It's a simple concept really. It came after the Gamecube hence the term NEXT-Gen.Aljosa23
exactly i dont think there are any guidelines as too what a next gen console has to improve on. and if u think about it the new controller is more next gen then just bumping the processing power up
i just got a 360 and i was unhappy when i realized i had to pay an extra 100 dollers for the wireless reciever because my 360 and router are on different floors. but now im hearing that the microsoft wireless reciever doesnt work with all routers. so before i spend100 bucks i ask u if it will work with my router. heres my router...
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