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Dragon Quest IX - A gem slime draws near!

I have recently acquired a treasure map labelled 'Ruby World of Fear Lv. 74'. It points to a place just west-south-west of Upover. Before entering it, I made a pit stop at Pluvi Isle to pick up an Yggdrasil Leaf, because there are probably going to be some really tough monsters down there.

Upon entering the grotto, I began seeing such things as alarmours, freaky tikis and sluggerslaughts, which I think are rank 8. We also found that, with the help of an Oomph spell, George is now able to one-shot an octagoon with Cattle Prod.

I think I forgot to mention that there are gem jamborees too. :)

I started seeing some unfamiliar monsters on floor 8 downward: cyber spiders and boa bishops. Somehow boa bishops can summon a tidal wave to hit us all for 100 points of damage, even though we're about 30 metres underground and there's no water here. They also have Eye Gleam, which I have seen some bosses (Corvus and Fowleye) using.

Descending to floor B15, I found Hammibal waiting for me, but the team isn't in the right condition to fight a boss right now. Because, on floor 14, we found something known only as a gem slime. I had heard about those things. Apparently they give a lotof gold when felled.

The bad news is that they also have Magic Burst, which is a bit problematic because it can wipe out 3/4 of our team in one go. So we need defense, Defending Champion to be precise. They can only use Magic Burst once, because it drains all their MP, then we can spam Thunder Thrust on them.

Each gem slime kill nets us a whopping 10 080 gold coins. We got two of them so far, and when I reconnect, we will go for some more.