Metal slime hunting: a fair challenge, some excellent training.
Pretty much ever since I saw some videos on YouTube showing the legendary platinum king jewel, I've been out looking for them. And today... I finally found some!
For those non-seasoned-treasure-hunters out there, a metal slime is an uncommon monster that yields a very large amount of experience when defeated. However, there's a catch: fighting it isn't like fighting ordinary monsters:
- Most attacks only do 1 point of damage per hit. Metal Slash can do 2 points of damage. However, a well-placed critical attack like Thunder Thrust will wipe it out in one shot.
- It's difficult to hit a metal slime, due to their great agility.
- A metal slime only has a few HP.
A platinum king jewel is simply the fifth and highest rank of metal slime. However, it can only be found in some of the very highest-level treasure grottoes.
Another issue is their company: platinum king jewels are often accompanied by other things that can be very problematic. That's why Marcus is resuming his original role as priest, rather than training his thief skills at the moment.
One time we ran into an alphyn, and it wiped out the whole rest of the team and got Marcus down to 24 HP, and then ran out of mana, giving him enough time to run the hell away. Phew :)
By the way, I, as the team's leader, have been practicing a skill I call 'exing' a monster. I call it that because it involves the DS console's X button. The theory is that, when you're in the field menu, monsters can't attack you. So, while invisible (holy water), and a monster blocks the path, I stand there with my menu open and wait for it to pass me. The monster is exed, and we are free to proceed unscathed. (Of course, the monster is also unscathed, but that's not the point, is it?)
Oh, and that reminds me, I need to go and buy some more holy water...