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Dragon Quest IX - As long as we stand, we will fight!

Unfortunately I was not able to avoid all encounters with darkonium slimes. I ran into two of them on the second floor of the Platinum Crypt of Bane. I thought about running for it, but if they stopped me then we'd all be in trouble. So I started casting Oomph so as to be able to do more than 20 points of damage each turn.

George was killed several turns in. This is a problem because he's the one who had Kazing. When Marcus died I thought we were all screwed. But Jasmine decided this qualified as an 'extreme situation' and used Kerplunk. Meaning that everyone else returned to life with full HP but she was sacrificed in the process. George was able to Kazing her though.

She then got her coup de grâce. Since she's a paladin, her coup de grâce pretty much stops all the enemy attacks (except for the particle ray), giving us time to reduce the opposing team to one darkonium slime, which was killed a few turns later.

We were lucky to get out of there alive.

It seems that Kerplunk drains all of the brave user's MP. But this can be quickly remedied.