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Dragon Quest IX: Connection successful

I finally managed to find a wi-fi hotspot that worked with my Nintendo DS. You know what this means?

Well, there is apparently a lot of things in this game that you need to connect to wi-fi for, so I hurried back to the Quester's Rest to check it out. This time I managed to get in to DQVC successfully.

DQVC is an online shop within Dragon Quest IX. I have no idea what the letters DQVC stand for, but I do know that they were selling sainted soma, which I know is involved in the recipe for a goddess ring. I know this is found in very high-level grottoes which I haven't got yet, so I bought some from Sellma.

When I spoke to Erinn to get a reservation, she told me there was a 'special guest' staying at the hotel. It turns out that the special guest is Jessica Albert from Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King, who I've seenfeatured in a lot of YouTube videos.

I visited her room to say hi. and she gave me a spare dress that didn't fit her. I guess this means it's time to play dress-ups with Jasmine.

I also received a lot of new quests. I left there to play some online Mario Kart DS, but the hotspot went down.