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Dragon Quest IX - Elusid kills self with own fireball; I recover 3 MP in field.

We've taken a break from metal king slime hunting for a while (actually, we ran out of MP and I had to call it off) to try and beat some grottoes. We descend to the bottom of a water grotto and find Elusid waiting there.

From past experience, Elusid uses spells far too often for his own good and does nothave Disruptive Wave like most other grotto bosses (and George) do. This means that we can put Magic Mirror on ourselves in the first turn to block his spell attacks, and he's too thick to do anything about it.

I estimate that, over the whole battle (which only went for about five minutes), he did about 1600 points of damage to himselfwith a combination of Kafrizz, Kaboom and Kacrack, culminating when his final Kafrizz got deflected, rebounded upon him and killedhim!

FAIL, Elusid!! :lol:

Not only can we publicly ridicule Elusid for killing himself, he also dropped something that is apparently called a pair of sensible sandals. Putting them on, I find that my maximum MP increases by 5.They also apparently give a 4.5% chance to dodge an attack.When I went to leave the grotto I noticed my MP being gradually restored.

I have been looking for this sort of effect pretty much since I found out that it existed, but the problem is that only one of us can use it at a time. When we go hunting for metal slimes again, that will probably be Marcus because he needs MP to heal the rest of us and he's only 50 000 experience away from learning Thunder Thrust.