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Dragon Quest IX - Fourth vocations, Fowleye is a joke.

We are now training in a fourth vocation. I'm training as a sage and Marcus is training as a paladin.

George is training as a martial artist, which opens up some interesting abilities for us. He can raise his own tension, for example, so we can get him to super high tension in just two turns if we're lucky. Also, martial artists can use claws to great effect.

Jasmine is training as a ranger. Rangers, apparently, are very good with healing spells, up to Moreheal and Zing. They can also use bows and axes, and gain an ability called Mercy which lets weakened monsters run away, which isn't really useful except for that gigantes quest.

An interesting new ability of hers is the ability to use a few of her MP to make our team invisible. Previously we needed holy water for that, but now Jas can do it with MP.

Now that Marcus is a paladin, it's his turn to use a move that Jasmine had been using when she was a paladin, against pretty much any boss that he can get his coup de grĂ¢ce on.It turns out that, particularly against Fowleye, if Jasmine or Marcus can get a Magic Mirror on themselves, they can just stand in front of everyone else bouncing all the boss's spells back at him. I've lost count of how much damage bosses have done to themselves that way :P