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Dragon Quest IX - 'I think the idea is to hit Jasmine's chest, not her shield.'

We challenged Sir Sanquinis to a battle for the first time in our third vocation. (Minstrel, warrior, mage and priest were our first, and mage, minstrel, warrior and thief were our second.) He could do about 100 points of damage in one hit or 60-70 with Multithrust, which kept George and Jasmine busy with healing.

I used one of my Yggdrasil leaves, and found that I only had two left.

I got my coup de grâce. As an armamentalist, my coup de grâce is Voice of Experience, which gives us more experience than normal... assuming we survive the battle. I used it on the last turn I had the oppurtunity to do so because no one else got their coup de grâce, and I got +60% on the wheel. I have never gotten +60% before. I often get +10 or 20%, sometimes +40%. That's a bonus of more than half.

Jasmine got her coup de grâce (Knight Watch) too, which is very useful in boss battles. It blocks all attacks that come her way, including Disruptive Wave. Even after Sanguinis seemed to realise that George, Marcus and I were still there (which was half a turn), we had Jasmine to go in front of us so that we got hit less.

Usually she takes about 60 points of damage from a Multithrust hit, but when she and George used Kabuff to boost her defence, Sanguinis missedher three times in a row with Multithrust. Oh, and did I mention that she blocked both of his critical attacks with her shield?

Eventually we won that battle not long after George and I ran out of MP, thank the goddess. The effect of my coup de grâce gave us 60% extra experience, and Marcus levelled up.

We went to get another Yggdrasil leaf from Pluvi Isle too. I think George forgot to put it in the bag though because I still only had one in the bag. He doesn't really need an Yggdrasil leaf because he has Kazing.