My name is annihilator127.I am an armamentalist. In DQIX I am usually with three friends: George, a sage; Jasmine, a paladin; and Marcus, a luminary. We are at level 46.
For those who don't know, LMS stands for Liquid Metal Slime. Metal slimes are rarer than other monsters, hard to hit and run away a lot. But... they give a lotof experience if you manage to kill one.
We got a new treasure map today. It is labelled 'Platinum Crypt of Bane Lv. 64'. I found the grotto just east of Stornway. (Nice and close to a save point :)) The first thing I see as I enter is an octagoon. Octagoons are actually pretty dangerous to us right now.But two minutes in, I find a great troll, and hiding behind it is... yes, two liquid metal slimes. I was hoping I would find a grotto with metal slimes in it.
Liquid metal slime A saw my team and ran away immediately. Liquid metal slime B tried to hit Jasmine. Mistake. She not only dodged it, but also scored a hit with her spear.
Fighting metal slimes isn't like fighting other monsters. Their excellent resilience means that you can't do more than 2 points of damage per hit before tension or a critical hit. They have only a few HP. (MS about 4, MM about 5, LMS about 8, MKS about 18 ) so you can count hits easily. They cannot be affected by spells.
We got 2 LMS kills today. I'm switching to my falcon blade, which I've found useful when hunting metal slimes because I can do up to 4 points of damage in one turn.