Although I am as good as a mortal now, and none of the mortals remember about the Guardians any more, I am still going to continue my old job of helping people. It's going well so far.
A woman named Jade in Coffinwell told me about how her son, Lionel, was always fibbing about his schoolwork. His latest story involved his test result paper blowing away on the wind just outside Coffinwell. Jade asked me to see if there is any truth in this. I had this logged as an official quest and went outside to see if the monsters in the area knew anything about this.
Soon I found the paper... or at least, part of it. It looked like it had been torn up, but I don't think it was Lionel who did that. Written on the paper fragment was '0 points'. Jade didn't seem too upset about this, but she said Lionel would probably deny that it was his because his name wasn't on it. So I went to look for the rest of the paper.
I found the second piece just north-west of Coffinwell. It read 'Lion'. The third piece took me a longer time to find, but eventually I found that too. Written on that was 'el: 10'.
I remember audibly exclaiming OMG at that point. I went back to show Jade, and she was very excited when she found that, when put together, the paper read 'Lionel: 100 points'.
Lionel cornered me and said that I should come and see him later because he had something to tell me in secret. That evening, I found him on the west side of Coffinwell, and he told me that the marks on the test were actually out of five hundred, not one hundred, and he hoped Jade never finds out.
But 100/500 (which is 20%) is still a lot better than zero! :)