I recently acquired my eighth Unova Pokémon Gym Badge, the Legend Badge, from the Opelucid City Gym. (That's the Dragon-type one.) Now the only thing left is to challenge the Pokémon League's Elite Four... and stick to the trail of Team Plasma.
On Route 10 I ran into a wild Pokémon known as Audino. Audino onlyappears where the grass shakes, and if you knock it out it gives more experience than normal. However, when I set Yoshi, my Simisage, on her, she used the move Heal Pulse to heal him. We were hesitant about attacking her from that point onward. Eventually I captured her with a Poké Ball to help in team battles as a healer.
Apart from the move Heal Pulse, she also has the ability Healer, which sometimes removes status afflictions such as poison, and Entertainment which can give Yoshi that ability too.
Speaking of team battles, a Trainer named Hilda and I recently achieved 20 consecutive victories in the Nimbasa City Battle Subway. This qualified us to challenge the Subway Boss team. They honestly weren't very difficult to defeat. The other Trainers who were on the platform called the Boss team 'a piece of cake'.