Heroes Discussion
by ant_lotr on Comments
Im thinking has anyone got any theories or just plain questions that are random and involve anything to do with the plot or any characters? Ive got loads and it just seems im the only one who has enough knowledge in my town to have a decent convo with. And it isn't sane to have a lengthy conversation with yourself. So i decided to post something on here to see if people have the same problem. Im just too obsessed with it to have coversations; im like "so, you know adam? whats your opinion on his rapid cell regeneration ability?" and then people go "Its cool. How about you?" then ill end up goin summat like "Well my opinion is that he has developed his powers so he can then manipulate them 2 preserve his body and prevent it from ageing and if in theory adam would then be able to stop the haitian from using his powers because he could then revive his brain cells to remember memories from ages ago." After that most people who aren't hardcore heroes fans are gonna be wondering what im onna bout.
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