I bought the monday 6 of february of the 2006 the games chronickles of riddick, i never saw the movie but i tought that it looked like a cool first person shooter, so i bought it together with half life 2 to test the best first persons shooters of the 2 last years, but guess what??? i cant play chronickles or riddick, my dad was astonished because he told me that couldnt be possible because my computer wat one of the bests, but i dont think that the problem are the graphics i think it is because it cant follow the frame rate by second of the game(yeah it is really slow i move the mouse and the character moves 10 seconds later, like a OMG with one of the biggest lag) then i tought, if my computer cant run Riddick then is astrologically impposible to run half like that is know as one of the most graphical games ever!!!!!, mmm........i think i just have two options,
1.-find some way to make Riddick work in my game, maybe buying a better video card or try all the settings that come in mind
2.-give up plaing the games and re-sell them again to somebody, it is much easier to play console games