@DarthLod It is a simple concept: You are treating someone differently because of the way they look. Time and time again this has been proven to be illogical behavior brought on by ignorance or fear. While it tends to be human nature to do this, that does not make it somehow correct. The concept of equality is a simple means of giving people a chance to be judged by individual merits rather than by superficial and dubious ones such as the way they look. Ignoring the concept of equality only creates situations in which animal instincts take over and people fulfill their base needs to label and separate each other. And this basic human flaw has led to countless problems over the course of history.
@DarthLod That is completely dubious. The only way that an argument like that would work is that if you labeled sexual harassment as normal which is says a lot about you... Sexual harassment in this case implies treating someone of a different gender in a unacceptable manner. To confront this is not political correctness but common decency. Anything else is simply barbaric.
@Brightman55 Ah yes, the "Dunning Kruger effect." We get a lot of that here. An interesting read can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dunning%E2%80%93Kruger_effect I don't know if it is a reliable source but I was interested in it.
It is concerning that articles addressing some of the more social aspects of gaming are often shot down. Some of us actually like to put the controller down and talk about these things - and sometimes with the opposite gender! But I'm sure that concept blows most of your minds anyway...
@nevryn Your comment is completely off base. NO ONE CARES HOW IT ENDS. AS LONG AS IT MAKES SENSE. All 3 endings are incoherent garbage thrown out to make time for multiplayer. The Writing in ME has gotten WORSE every year and this doesn't surprise me at all.
@justinU14 Oh please... This is a cash grab. It has nothing to do with the fans. How stupid would directors like George Lucas or Spielburg look if they followed suit with one of their movies? This is all about money.
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