I've had an EBGames giftcard burning in my pocket for the last week. I intented to purchase Metroid Prime Trilogy, and made a huge mistake of not buying it when I was in the store without my card. The store clerk told me it was discontinued? Bullocks! The game came out a couple of weeks ago.
All of the games I really wanted, like Okami, (I've been playing Zelda Twilight Princess, and I wanted to purchase another fantasy action adventure) where out. I really didn't want to use my gift card for a Modern Warfare Reflex pre-order, so I hesitantly purchased Castlevania Judgment.
IGN's review of 7.5 is what sold me on the purchase, even though most reviews are very low and there is allot hatred from the Castlevania community. I've been a big fan of this series from playing it on GBA and the DS, and this being the first (hopefully not the last) Castlevania title for the Wii.
I think the badness of this game is exagerrated and I would say it's an average game to slighy above average. The retail price should be more like 29.99 than 49.99. I didn't read the manual regarding the controls and started playing the controller like an old-school fighting game. I was thinking there are soft and hard punches and kicks, but the buttons don't work like that. I won't bother trying it with the Wiimote and just play it with the ****c controller. The Castle mode is fun, where you have different objectives by advancing in different rooms. All in all, I don't regret buying this game (unlike The Conduit) and it turns out it's fun, although it's far from Castlevania canon. I'm hoping to write a more formal review on it. What do you think? Love it? Hate it?
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