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antman1338 Blog

Peer Preasher

Peer Preasher is very big in schools and places like that and even in the game world you have that cause your friends want you to play this or that and then ether you lose a friend or you gain new ones what I mean by that is choose neather of the groups and find your own clan that excepts you as the gamer that you are and not what you should be and make a dission of which group you have to be neather make your own or find your own group that excepts you just like in real life you will have friends that don't push into doing something but then you have the so called friends that push you into something that you don't want to do and that is your call ether you be cool or be youself your call.

Kingdom of Hearts

The game Kingdom of Hearts is a great franchise and I seem to like it alot and I am a big Nintendo fan but I am diverse in the game that I play and the systems that I play on so lets get one thing strait the game is awesome and some of my friends say that the game sucks and the reason for writing this is because I think people that are true gamers shoudn't have to play the games that your friends play to be cool cause you are cool no matter what type of gamer you are and I care about the kids that get made fun of because they play World of Warcraft or Monster Hunter they don't have to play NBA Live 09 or Madden 10 you are cool the way that you are and no matter what type of gamer you are you are cool.

Monster Hunter

Now I really don't know what Monster Hunter is but it sounds great and I want to know what is the deal with Gamespot crashing on the game when the does so well in Japan and the Americans and if people like a quest game like me then I want to know what is the story and the amount of quests there are and if you ever have time just hit me up and let me know what a Monster Hunter game and if you do thank you.


Ok the fact is Nintendo is the best game company and that is a fact and the reason why is because the the franchises that they have and the new games that they are hosting like Silent Hill which was only a X-Box 360 title and a PS3 title and now they are moving a franchise to the Nintendo system and that is smart cause alot of people have a Nintendo Wii and I think that that system is better than all of the systems and other people say oh the X-Box 360 is better or the PS3 is better they are some lires cause they know that Nintendo is better than thoughs systems and they just say that cause they don't have that system and they want but can't have so they are haters and they just to leave Nintendo alone cause they know Nintendo is better and that is why I am writing this cause that say oh 360 or PS3 is better if you have a Wii then don't let thoughs people make you trade in your Wii cause you will regreat it so that is my blog and if you are reading this thank you.

Super Smash Bros.

Well what I want to know is what people think of the Smash Bros. series and if you like it and if you do you can tell me why you like the series and tell me what are your favorite character from each from every game.

Legend of Zelda

Now what I notice is that everybody has different opinions of every Zelda game so what I want to know what is your opinion on Twilight Princes and Majoras Mask and say what you think about them.