So I got my NES yesterday, and within that same day, I got the blinking red light due to my not cleaning the cartridges properly. I've done the whole Isopropyl with water on my cartridges, but that didn't help.
I'm now left with the option of opening up my console and cleaning the connectors inside, which, although I've found a good guide on GameFAQs, I think I'll end up screwing it up. But hey, I already think the thing's a gonner, so I guess I've got nothing to lose.
Anyway, if that doesn't work, I really don't want to spend another £30 for a replacement system on eBay. I think I'll have to let my guard down and go the WiiVC route. A shame, but I may have to do it. *in great dispair of that thought, bashed NES open, and starts scrubbing* :D