So, Odin Sphere's UK release date was finally announced as March 14th. Easily the best news yesterday along with all the news about WiiWare and XNA. Gears of War 2? What a surprise! /Sarcasm
Anyway, so I went on Amazon today, and pre-ordered Odin Sphere for 325. Now, I very rarely buy games "new" when it isn't my birthday or Christmas, but I had to get Odin Sphere. I cannot wait, but annoyingly, Amazon still have the release as March 30th, which is WRONG! But it'll be sorted out.
Odin Sphere will be the last PS2 game that I am interested in, as Persona 3 and Wild Arms 5 are released this month, and after Odin Sphere, all there is left is nasty movie liscences.