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Revealed!...My impressions of the 15 games I bought yesterday!

So here they are:


Kuru Kuru Kuruin: An excellent little puzzler.


Dino Crisis: I love the old style RE games, so Dino Crisis really appealed to me, andI like it.


007 Agent Under Fire: It feels like you're shooting jelly instead of bullets, and its incredibly easy, but fun.

Wave Race Blue Storm: Good looking game. Plays well too.

Rogue Squadron II: I hate the movies, but I really like this game.

Sega Soccer Slam: I hate sports, and I usually don't like sports games, but I do like crazy ones, and this is what this is.


The Bouncer: Sooooo many cutscenes, and the dialogue is atrocious, but its fun!

Devil May Cry 2: Generic, and I only bought it to fill the series gap.

Half-Life: Hate playing on PCs, so this port is a great option.

Timesplitters: Same reason as DMC 2, but this is fun!


Deathrow: Its growing on me.

Rallisport Challenge: Surprisingly good.

Oddworld Munch's Oddyssee: I like platformers/puzzle games and there are like none on the Xbox.

Max Payne 2: Really enjoyed the first Max Payne, and this is better.

Outrun 2:Very addictive!