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Yet another collection apocalypse tomorrow....

Tomorrow is going to be special. I'll be getting another junk load of games, and not just Megadrive launch titles, but stuff that I thought I would never buy so soon, like Mass Effect and Bioshock, but also games that I'm wetting myself to play, like Resident Evil Umbrella Chronicles and The Orange Box.

I'm an only child, so I'm used to getting my way at Christmas. I'll just sleep for most of 2morrow, then play my games, have lunch, and play some more games. Sounds good to me.

On the 26th, I'm going to the cinema with my friend to St. Trinians. Yea, I know it'll be garbage, but anything that reaks of Mean Girls is instantly a must see. Also, this sixth form girl from my school is in the school, and I want to laugh at her as she has the nerdy role, and I never liked her as the stuck up cow that she is.