Well it seems that the year is wrapping up quite nicely, and the Gamespot polls just now opened. There are many categories to vote through,Game of the Year being the coveted award. Unlike some other years I really like the candidates for most of these categories. I can say that I was quite disappointed that Assassin's Creed wasn't nominated for a Game of the Year, even though it was very dull and generally disappointing I think it was still good enough just to make the list. Now that this jolly time has started lets review some games, categories, and possible winners.
Lets start off with the platform awards. Although this isn't really that specific, it had some good nominees for the best game for that platform. First nominee that I would like to talk about...
Pokemon Diamond Version for the Nintendo DS (Best Nintendo DS Game Nominee)
Thiswas a game that providednearlyone hundred hours of entertainmentfor my "adventurous" visit to Belarus. While I was sinking in boredom,visiting my old family and friends this game just never seemed to get boring, with the Wi-Fitrading and battling features. The game just went on and on and on, whichI really value in games.I really liked the whole new movefromthose basicPokemon games likePokemonYellow and Blue. This made agigantic leap from the Gameboy Advance tomultiplayer settings.With many features andhundreds of things you can do this gameis most likely the bestRoleplayinggame on the Nintendo DS of the year in my thoughts.... or maybe thats just because I played thissix hours a day for thirty days. Nope, its still not old.
The next game that I would like to discuss is.....
Halo 3 for the Xbox 360 (Game of the Year Nominee)
I can honestly say, without any exaggeration that this was the biggest release of the year, and possibly the most over-hyped release as well. This was one amazing game, the new features were great and the game was just overall very fun. This game did lack a few things though, which made it fall harder because of the high expectations for this release. Themultiplayer got a little bit stale after a couple of days which I didn't expect. This was a good release, but not a great release. It sold millions of copies worldwide as expected, but it was just not what everyone thought it would be, which is partly Bungie's fault. The previous Halo games were amazing, but this one had very little change from the former versions which surprised some people including me. Just new weapons, vehicles, you know the usual. No matter the expectations this was a great game and easily an Xbox 360 ****c.
Moving on, its time to discuss.....
Assassin's Creed for the PS3 (Best PS3 Game of the Year Nominee)
What can I say about Assassin's Creed? This game was one of the most anticipated games of 2007. It was supposed to be a PS3 game only, but Microsoft got their hands on it and released it for the Xbox 360 as well. Gamespot gave this game a 9.0 which I highly disagree with. This game is good, but I don't think its great, or even up to the standards of what everyone was expecting from it. Its just kind of teasing you, setting up all these towns and structures, and only few things to do. Its one of the most creative games I have played, I will give it that, but it just lacks depth. I am expecting the sequel which I predict will be made by Ubisoft, to be a lot more improved. If you went out to the store and wanted to buy a game, I would recommend Assassin's Creed, but don't expect to play it multiple times. This is one of those games that is interesting the first time around, which is nota very conservative use of money. This game had good potential, but it didn't exploit it to the fullest.
The last game I will be looking at is....
Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare for the PS3 (Game of the Year Nominee)
I believe this game had the biggest splash on the gaming society in 2007. This game was expected to be good but WOW, this was unbelievable. Its a great first person shooter game, and has amazing multiplayer modes. If you had money to spend for Christmas, or any other holiday you might celebrate, then spend it on this game. In my opinion this is THE best game of the year.I just don't have enough to say about this game. Its terrific, the graphics have improved from its other versions, and it just played like a well thought out project. I praise the release of this game at the time it was released. This game has my vote for the Game of the Year award. Lets see how the voting spreads itself out.
Well I guess that is it to my holiday blog. If you have any money at all this holiday I would suggest you check out some of these games because they just give you a whole new perspective at the whole console. Thank you for reading my blog, have a great Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, or whatever you celebrate!