ive reached 4 islands and 4 domes (which i know the code to). i solved the tombstone puzzle and reached a new age and came back with the trap book and Catherine's journal. i read her and ghen journals. i opened the hatch to the star fissure.
as i see it there are two possibe things i can do right now:
1: something with the chair in the first island.
i have tried pulling the lever normally and with the bridge to "ghen's lab" island raised and the door from the temple to the shuttle closed(taking the lever placed there as a hint). nothing happened.
2: activating the power source to the domes via the control throne underground in the "experiment island".
i know which colour/symbol represents each island(the one's with the domes). red makes the sacred fish respond, as does random number of clicks on the different colours. 2, 4, 8, 12 and more consecutive hits might get the fish to respond with what appears to be a random tune(out of an existing few).
i tried all sorts of combinations, tried figuring out the specific code by trial of different combinations that made sense to me, tried understanding how and if the fish tunes are related to the code. i failed to do so. i spent hours on this puzzle and i play the game once in two weeks for half an hour trying and failing.
i dont want the full solution if that is possible. if a hint can set me on the right path i will gladly accept it at this point. its depressing me.
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