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Hotel Dusk & Crackdown - Finished

Finished Hotel Dusk this evening. Very enjoyable game easily on par with the Phoenix Wright series. Maybe could have been fleshed out a little bit more in terms of interactivity. But in terms of it falling under what I term the Noveau-Adventure genre it does it very well indeed. I'll try and write a user review about it when I have some free time away from FC Guitar Hero 2.

Crackdown is a different kettle of fish. Some things it does well, some others not so well.
I may also write a review of this however the feedback i've been getting is that when I give a game a not so great rating it doesn't bode well with the readers. That said I received a message praising my Just Cause review which was nice. Although I doubt i'll ever get the kind of feedback I got from Urban Chaos again. But they may well be because I received a promo of the game before Gamespot did :p doubt that'll repeat itself. Infact I haven't been sent any promo's of games into my store for forever. I guess they realised it wasn't exactly boosting sales of said titles.

On a side note I really hate seeing people who give games 9.9 and so forth. A game to get such a perfect score for me would be one in which I never got bored of playing, maybe a life changing experience, never finding anything I thought could be better fleshed out and so forth. I guess the general age group of this website doesn't allow such literal thinking as that and they just chase whatever the big trend or excitement is of the moment. It's unfortunate.

Laughably it's probably these exact same people who write the reviews for official xbox360 magazine. I don't know how they can keep a straight face with some of the biased incorrect BS they churn out month after month.