The Sly Cooper games sold terribly. None of them reached platinum status despite being better (in my opinion) than pretty much 90% of the games ever released on the PS2. As far as platform/adventure titles go it was at least in the same league as the Rachet & Clanks, Jax & Daxter's & maybe even the mighty Psychonauts. It was original, a great game mechanic and a great script with real likeable characters.
While obviously it's hard to sell the 'stealth' concept to a under 15 audience in a platform game. With the higher age userbase of the PS3 surely you'd imagine Suckerpunch to berabid at the mouth at the thought of how much cash they should be raking in if they pushed one more time with the franchise.The crystal clarity that the 1080p display could provide for their cell-shaded genius would make it visually amazing.
But no. Instead they'd rather release what for all intended purposes looks like a Crackdown rip-off. Hardly a stellar game to draw inspiration from. If Suckerpunch are intent on going out of business great for them. How many times have you heard 'Infamous' mentioned the last 4 months? You haven't? That says it all then.
Maybe, just maybe the PS3 would fair better if it fell back on it's strengths rather than trying to up one up MS's exclusives? Look how much interest the new Ratchet & Clank game is getting for a prime example. It's turning into a system seller. Sort it out Suckerpunch, nobody wants Infamous. They want PS3 platformers, you have a great franchise, don't be a fool!