anyway i hope sony and ms figure a way to improve their graphics (in their exlusives at least) and dont attention to framerate 30 40 is enough.
arashfella's forum posts
@acp_45: and i played witcher 3, and i liked the idea of nvidia hairwork , but yet it reminds me of skyrim. not a real jump. but it was satisfying. especially on 2k and 4k, wow. but i like they made a game good enough that we dont need 4k and it will be next gen enough on 1080p ;)
@Coco_pierrot: thats the poin. style is very important , i liked killzone unique style , or gears of war's , or mgs 2 and.. but like u said now cant tell the diffference, thats because they made a graphic engine for their games , but now all games use 2,3 same engine, and i dont want photorealistic to , but at least some games with a higher grade than ps3 or x360 , i think they can make it, but they dont because it will be very expensive for them , remmember gears of war cost as much as a big movie , or killzone, in any case i still do hope for games like the division ( if on a high end pc it really be like the trailers on E3) , im worry they downgrade for the consoles sake,
@acp_45: i dont try witcher 3 yet , i was busy with MGS on pc and Rocket League on ps4, but i think it should be great i will try it soon on my pc, i hope it havent problems with sli
@ribstaylor1: i have a pc with gtx 980 ti sli but even on that i didnt see a game with real artistic graphic yet like i said maybe the division be the first !! i dont know
i remember , that was better
four factors: Graphic, sound, story and value i think right? i liked that
I have'nt seen any real next gen games yet on new consoles, whats wrong? just want next gen's graphic games.
I am speaking about consoles and exclusives graphics, like before, not pc, i have 980ti two way sli myself, but this forum is about consoles exclusives: real next gen jump. like before: PS2 to PS3, xbox to xbox 360.
Exclusives like PS3 did with killzone 2 before,or Xbox 360 did with gears of war,
no problem if Games run Under 60 fps or not 1080p ( even 24 fps is enough) !
@LordCrash88: because i dont see a game with next gen graphic, even on my high end pc.
i think they have to downgrade pc games and set a limit for consoles sake. i had to reply you this way because the forum is locked! and i edit because iannhh6 locked my forum. i hope he opens it now. :((
i just said my opinion :(
I have'nt seen any REAL NEXT GEN Games Yet on new consoles, whats wrong? We Just want NEXT GENs GRAPHIC GAMES, im speaking about consoles and exclisives, like before , not pc, i have 980ti SLi but this forum is about consoules excelusives like before:
NO problem if Games Run Under 60 fps or not 1080p (HELL, even 24 fps is enough) !
just need a Real next gen graphic game ( like difference beetween ps2 and ps3 , XBOX and X360,
games with graphics when we see them,be drop jaw like before, A REAL JUMP INTO NEXT GEN GRAPHIC
i mean see a new game and SAY: WOW, like KILLZONE 2, UNCHARTED 2, Gears Of WAR,Or game play like: LA Noire, AND....
i personally not see Yet, maybe the division be the first? ( ubisoft said they downgraded graphic of this game: so its not like we saw in E3. or maybe Uncharted 4? i dont know but they should make Real nextGen
Whats wrong with new Gen ?!!!? PLEASE SHARE IDEAS , Thanks
(Sorry 4 English)
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