Austraaaalian Gamers are sleeping thats why or they really do not care about getting their games all censored! Last i know austraaalia has quite a substantial amount of gamers and game developers and game design colleges too So what are they doing about this???????
The Witcher 3: the wild hunt is For mature gamers and for gamers who dont like creative restrictions! Bioware just makes games(good games) to get a 15+ or 17+ Rating! Bioware does not take risks and therefore they will make an inferior game whether DA or ME! CD projekts Witcher 3 will always be superior! And i dont hate mass effect or dragon Age I love them but I want games to be more mature thats all!
i agree its a sign of respect from Mr Kojima but I feel he's purposely being modest about the beast he has up his Sleeves(MGS V)!lol
GTA 5 is gonna be the top contender for Game Of The Year 2013 in my opinion but If MGS V releases this year there is gonna be tough competition cause MGS V may not be as vast and massive as the world of GTA V and offer all that freedom because its a totally different Game altogether and its the first time a Stealth Game has gone open world!MGS V will have the best Story though! Snaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaake!
archelius' comments