WELL. I can't believe they managed it,but the Xbox One has been saved. What a tactful move by Microsoft, truly this generation is theirs for the taking.
Now wait let me see here... So.. We don't have to pay for DLC twice.... I see. This is news??
@FartFastMcSpeed @arctic_sword @OrphanSlapper @Patohua1 @highlanderjimd Apologies, your dismissal of 'theories' indicated to me that you did not hold the scientific method in high regard.
In any case there are some hypotheses regarding the question of 'where did the universe come from' i.e. quantum foam, multiverse ideas all supported by some reasonable maths, unfortunately none of this is testable of course!
Now when you begin to use words like 'create' you have to be careful, what you perceive to be order and everything 'perfectly in place' may need a second look. Heat death and all that.
I could invoke a multiverse approach and argue that since there are infinite universes OF COURSE one ended up like this, however I wouldn't go as far as supporting that hypothesis fully.
You however have backed the hypothesis, which isn't quite a theory, that god is the prime mover of everything, for not much of a reason other than your own personal intuition. I would argue that this is poor reasoning
@FartFastMcSpeed @OrphanSlapper @Patohua1 @highlanderjimd tl;dr: if something is unintuitive it can't possibly be true.
Unfortunately, evidence based observation will always trounce logical intuition. Furthermore your equivocation of the big bang and '[waving] about in the air and [creating].. a ball' is down right silly.
arctic_sword's comments