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A rant about non-gamers, especially parents.

I am amazed daily at how little adults know about the video games they let their children play. I mean, some of them come into my store and don't even know the difference in the systems. Then they let their eleven year old son rent GTA: San Andreas or something like that. Read the labels folks, kids don't need to play those games. Middle-class Housewives are the worst. They don't even know what kind of little plastic thingys go into the box with all the flashing lights, but they can sure get mad at you when it doesn't work, or when they have to pay "OMG EIGHT BUCKS" to rent a game. I love people, lemme tell you.

And it still gives me great personal enjoyment that I know more about games than half our male staff. Admittedly, my assistant manager is a girl and equally as video-game savvy as I am, but otherwise there's only one girl who plays games (She's a wiz at GHIII) and the rest are lucky to know what the names of the systems are.

I guess maybe it's just cause I'm into games, but especially for people with kids, I think it would be a good idea to remain up-to-date on what's going on in the video game world. For moments like when your son comes to you and says "Dad, I want the new ShinyBox 4.0!" and you didn't even know that there was a ShinyBox 2.0 out. People don't know anything about the differences in systems. My favorite question is "What do you think is the best gaming system out there?" I'm like, well fill out this questionnaire about your family's gaming habits, and maybe I'll be able to pick out which one is best for you I don't think it's fair to claim one system is better, because they all have strengths and weaknesses (though admittedly, some are weaker than others).

Anyway, not much new on the actual game front here. Guitar Hero III has rocked my face off, I've beaten the easy and medium tours as much as possible without trying to get 100% on every song (I do have 5-stars), and the Hard tour is kicking my butt - but I'm trying. If I wasn't broke, I would also have Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga by now, since that game is ridiculously fun and cheesy. I still need to beat Zelda, and I'm pissed off that they've pushed the release date back AGAIN for Grand Theft Auto IV. Hopefully at some point when I am not busy busy and tired, I will go back and write reviews on some of the other games I have.