@DragonfireXZ95: I have said :"and the few specific pc games that remains are not good (fot the most part)like in the golden era of pc gaming." That means that games made for pc nowadays aren't good compared to past pc games. Not that arent good in absolute.
I can make some example if you want.
Made with console in mind means that many games or series that in the past was specifically made only for pc now are multiplatform games, made with console players in mind, not just pc players. An example of a game made only with pc in mind is quake champion or escape from tarkov, but we can back to firts argument that these specific pc games are not good as in the past. They are bad?no, but inthe past they were more polished, more popular and let me say..they had more "soul"
I try to explain better what I think. In the past there was in my opinion more difference beetween pc games and console games. Not graphic or fps, but the gameplay.
On console you had tipical console games, like final fantasy, dmc, jrpg in general, resident evil and so on. On pc you had deus ex, civilization, baldur gate and so on.
Now the line is blurred, console games are on pc and pc games are on console(consolized also in the gameplay aspect, with some rare exeption)
So, pc have less pc games made only with pc in mind and generally not as good as in the past (again, with some exception, and obviously is my opinion).
The best gamnes released in recent years, in my opinion, dosent take great advantage on pc, because they arent games made with pc in mind, they are tipical console games.They are better on pc?for the most part they are slightly better but not to justify the negatives side of pc gaming.
In the end it all depends on what you consider a good game and what games you like personally and what advantage on these games can give a pc.
This year I liked dmc5 and sekiro, for these 2 games,for example, pc is useless, is just slightly better but not to justify the difference in price and the negative sides of pc(other argument)
The same is with dragon quest 11, and some of the best games I have played in recent years are console first party exlusive. I played also on my pc but the only great game thsat i feel i used that power is Witcher 3. On other pc games I had fun(path of exile,grim dawn, rimworld and stellaris) but the best experience that i had in recent years was on console,for exlusive titles but also for multiplat games that arent that better on pc(dragon quest, dmc and so on,generally japanese titlles).
In the past I feel like on pc therwas masterpieces, warcraft 3 and starcraft, quake and unreal, planetscape torment and baldur gate, deus ex,civlization 4, and many others. Now you can just buy a console and play 99% of the great games out nowadays. For me,these great games (I dont know in the future) are games that are just slightly better on pc or the same. All depends on what games you play and on what you consider great game.
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