List of friends who will stay on my list:
naruto_444, sfkm2, Curtis1560, kcwsk8, seker456, code305, darthmario123, dragonfly110, raimgamer, SMR-Venom, kbmars, graywolf2112 (bad neighbor story), watchingninja, wolves1989, combatsoldier, SasukeXXChidori, Jedi_Outlaw, Thug2Wastleland, emblem_2007, chetrin, DavidRswii, bak1234567890, Fishbrain8, Garfield360UK, rocketfox129, momohinamoriX, Eucalypta, -Katsuri-, ShaunyP, Toro Nev, murat8, Fenin_lostsoul, Nightmare-_-, Naruotfan30, Lotus-Edge, CleansingFlame, jstlade27, Regulator0013, gamemaster-1234, kenkashijd
This names who comment at my blog is spared.
But those who did not, I will remove you off my friend's list
This is the last chance for anyone else who didn't comment.
1. Comment you will stay on my friend's list. Those whose name above are spared from the cut.
2. Do not comment will be cut out of list.