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armadragon Blog

I think im in love.

hello everytbody im armadragon, and i would like to tell you about rocio(the girl i told you about on my last blog). it started at my first day at school. like usual, i was all nervous ididnt know anybody and the next thing i saw her. rocio. at that moment started to like her. of course i was a little shy in terms of talking to her, (like always) so ididn't even know how to ask her out. one day the principle(YES THE PRINCIPLE) gave me a bar of chocolate because i fell in her little prank (a stone disguised as candy) and i decided to be nice and share it with my friends. However i saved the last 2 pieces i had for rocio and i planed on giving it to her at the nend of the day. when i walked up to her i first sais sorry for what happened on friday(SHE WAVED AT ME AND I DIDNT EVEN SEE HER, I TOTALLY IGNORED HER) and then i gave her the chocolate like i planned and she accepted it like we were best friends. She was so kind to me at that moment that i didn´t stop thinking about her that night. in fact, i cant stop thinking about her, she always on my mind. and i cant take my eyes of her. I in love. ive never felt this way about someone before. too bad she has a boyfriend.

What up gamespot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hey guys hows it going?! i haven´t bloged in like 2 years (WOW) its that i moved to guatemala in the summer of 07, my dad had the great idea of leaving our computer at home in the usa,which means i have to pay at the cybercafes(DOWNGRADE) so ihavent been able to blog in. before i get into details about what ive been doing here, im gonna imform you about what happened in the states before i left:

·meredith could´nt go out with me because her parents didn't let her go out. I know bummer.

· I got the xbox 360 (KILLER!!!)

· said bye to all of my friends

yeah, just about it. now on to business. ive been here for a year and a half, it took me six months to dominate the spanish language(which makes me blingual) and now im living with my stepmother in chimaltenango (the name of the place im currently in). 2 weeks ago i started school, and im proud to say its going super great! That and i have a huge crush on a girl in my class, her name is rocio and she is simply a thing of baeuty. now, as for games, i have some bad news. 1.MY PS2 BROKE. it was horrible. my cousin tripped over the controller cable and it fell to its death. so now im ps2-less. but i have worst news. 2. I LOST MY X360. seriously, i don't know how it happened, so now im x360-less. oh yeah im gamecube-less now too. my dad said that he was gonna get the wii one day so ill have to wait i guess. doesnt matter because here in guatemala games cost like 4 times the amount in usa (cheap batards). so yeah everythings going great and i will be blogging more often. and one more thing:

GAMESPOT RULES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

my crush....

so uhh yeah i have a crush on this girl named meredith. shes hot and i was thinking of asking her out tommorrow. the next time i blog ill tell you if i was successful.(hope i am. god im so nervous.)

by the way saw spiderman 3 last saturday it was awesome.

my report on rpgs

Rpgs. they are awesome. they provide us with

challenge. but most importantly they offer us the greatest crap since harry potter. now there are many rpg series like final fantasy, tales of...., dragonquest and so on that gamers love. Then there are some rpgs that are not known to rpg lovers for 2 reasons. either theyre not very good or theyre good but no one cares about them. now if you think that an rpg has to be afinal fantasy game or a tales, you are wrong. why do you think the final fantasy series has been so succesful over the years? Simple. graphics. story. gameplay. put all those elements together and you get the reason why the final fantasy series is so badass. its not because its just final fantasy, its the effort that has been put into each and every single installment. some rpgs are not part of a series and people think they suck or theyre stupid or whatever and when they play those rpgs they think "oh this is just as good as ff!" or "i wonder why no ones heard of this game. all im trying to say is that rpgs dont have to be ff or some thing in order to be good. now go out and play rpgs like no tomorrow!!! peace.