@MaidenLOKO Well the game here arrived stores just in time, the problem here is lack of money, i wasnt thinking on buying this game just yet because its to expensive, but well me and 2 other great friends of mine and metro 2033 fans decided to buy 1 copy of the game for the 3 of us ( i know we should've bought 1 copy for each, but we dont have much money, and 1 original copy is betther then 3 pirated copys ) i was the first one to play and i can say, i am really happy that i bought the game. I know money is short right now but this game made my day a little better, so it was worth it.
I've just finished the game, and let me tell you guys, this one was incredible, after i played bioshock i thought to myself, there isn't going to be a fps with a great storyline like this one for ages, i was wrong.
You know what it would be great???? a new Punisher Game, the last one was really cool, all that torture and hardcore kills. Yeah, that game could use a new graphic engine and even bloodier killing scenes :)
:/ i just remembered all the great games i played when i was a kid... Day Of Tentacle, Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis, full throttle and Dig, i admit i am a big fanboy of all adventure games that lucasarts released.
Besides of all the great adventure games they released, i loved Star Wars Tie Figther, X-wing, X-wing Alliance, Dark Forces and many many other Star Wars games like Kotor.
LucasArts Logo is part of my childhood and it will be missed.
@Saketume @armagrath i know what you mean, anyway, what i meant was that the game is quite detailed for a f2p game, normaly a f2p game has almost no content and no dept at all, but this game gives you an expiriance that compares to what you may find in payed games.
Well i've been in the last two closed betas, and i can safely say that this game is very very good for a f2p... looking foreward for it :) anyway, to those who didnt play this game in the past closed betas, well play neverwinter nights, it isnt the same thing but its a hell of an experience and it will let you know a little bit more of the lore
armagrath's comments