@vassago_ @arqe @amar1234 @demrocks No they dont , only reason you need a beast pc for 1080p 60fps is that those "precious" developers doesnt give a sh.it about optimizing their games properly. hardware is more than enough.
@jacquelineferre re.tards should stay away from these kinda articles. Those ps2 graphics were almost better than PC back in the day. You know some console players called "consoles are better" yeah they are the users of Ps2 and their brains still same size right now and calling console is better.
@crushbrain 400$-500$ device that is so-called "ultimate gaming machine" and also so-called "NEXT-GEN" cant handle graphics and framerates that PC uses almost 10 year now.
@vassago_ @arqe @amar1234 and still those "extra" things you think they use ( which they dont care and dont use" will look choppy , crappy etc. and again , no game developer uses extra "visuals" because they stuck at 30fps because of a console that cant handle 60fps in year of 2014 ...
@amar1234 @demrocks you are missing the point. did you even read the article properly ? consoles are using old hardware and call it next gen. PC's are using 1080p 60fps almost a decade now and we dont call it next-gen , this-gen , that-gen.
Consoles are holding back the industry from evolving.
Yeah what happened with next gen ? Nothing. Same old sh.it with a %10 graphical increase.
Why console gamers still trying to convince people by saying "it only matters when you go multiplayer".
So you could get away with "less" animations , jumpy visuals because you are playing alone ? Who are you trying to convince ? People playing on PC or youself for paying more and getting less on console ?
@domisbatman So you dont want any progression in gaming industry ? We should stuck at early 2000's graphic engines ? You console players are the cancer to this industry. Im not saying they are "BAD" games , im simply saying that they could've maked them better. But no , because console players doesnt play games on PC and feel the greatness of visuals , smoothness of the game they play , they just say "game is good anyways , doesnt matter".
@holtrocks @shtiken @jc3bull those "things" you call people are just manchilds. they are probably older than 25 and their moms still buying their consoles and games.
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