- Artemis-V’s Activity
I’m much more interested in a dedicated objective based playlist. As is, the Halo Bros make it near impossible to get a good game going for anything that isn’t “shoot things that move”.
Hence, why we won’t be seeing a price drop on it, or a proper sequel anytime soon.
“Fans are hoping Nintendo will address some of the issues outlined above in future patches”I’d advise said fans to not hold their breath.
Not paying that price..
Did I miss something? In the past, assassinations were completely optional. You hold down melee if you want to assassinate or just tap if you want the quick kill. It wasn’t like you were forced to ass...
The first two games were masterpieces. I should replay them now…
Still the biggest Nintendo disappointment this side of Other M.
I could have sworn this was announced for Disney +. What Mandela effect is this?
Can we get a proper collection of all previous R type games leading up to the PS2 Final?
@PrpleTrtleBuBum: Azurik….now there’s a name I’ve not heard in a long time.
As a long time fan of the series since the first, I could not be more disappointed with how THIS is what Sega decides to revive the series with? Less features and modes than the last two installments…
I don’t expect to see any licensed properties, but please, Capcom, give us Red Earth, Three Wanders, Knights of the Round,Eco Fighter, Last Duel, Super Puzzle Fighter, Fighters Gem mini mix, and the D...
If it comes packed with some sort of light gun that works on modern TVs, I’m all for it.
Place had the worst food I’ve ever had and was a run down dump. Never understood why people liked going here.
@madsnakehhh: Nail on the head. Had this been part of a 35th anniversary collection, it would be the weakest of the bunch and likely skipped over. As is, there isn’t a chance of me getting it.
Just wish they’d do something about the actual off boat combat. For everything this done right, the combat is terrible...
Did Nintendo ever patch this to add invert controls?
Back during the early days of Xbox, Sega would have been a. Perfect fit. Panzer dragoon, Otogi, Toe Jam & Earl, Spikeout, Outrun, Jet Set Radio Future.If Sega was still making these sort of games,...
I’m still surprised EA hadn’t added older titles to this service. I would love to see Road Rash, the Strike games, earlier Need for Speed games.
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