The PlayStation 3 is starting to get back on it's feet as it has a solid list of exclusives such as...
- Killzone 2
- Resistance 1 and 2
- Motorstorm 1 and 2
- Metal Gear Solid 4
- LittleBigPlanet
- Uncharted
- and much more!
2009 looks like another great year for the PlayStation 3. Here's my list of the most anticipated games of 2009 for the PlayStation 3 that I am most looking forward to...
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
The first Uncharted was impressive. The story was extremely detailed... the gameplay was incredible and the graphics was awesome. Uncharted was unique in some ways as there aren't that many games that have the great cover system and in-depth story. I am looking forward to Uncharted 2 because it looks completely different compared to Uncharted as it is set in a totally different location.
This extremely detailed game, inFamous, looks like another great exclusive for the PlayStation 3. I love playing Open World Action games like Grand Theft Auto and Saints Row. Choosing your side also looks like a great feature. i am looking forward to this game and I'm glad that it's coming out this Summer.
Ninja GaidenΣ 2
The first game was quite difficult, but extremely impressive. The graphics was top notch and the gameplay was addicting. Although it was just announced, it's already packing some heat.
God of War III
Although the release date has not been confirmed, this highly anticipated PlayStation 3 exclusive will mostdefinitelyraise the bar in the Action genre. The graphics are expected to be at 1080p and the storyline will probably be awesome. The gameplay looks intense and I'm already so excited for it. God of War III is the game that I'm mostly looking forward to, followed by inFamous and Uncharted 2.