like i said i was reading sirra's blog and i remembered something like that happened to me! FLASHBACK:
artster! I know you want to get your little sis Wifi so don't break the computer dad said
k dad i wont (i never do) i said/thought
i was hacking into my computer as usual
but, i couldn't remember the wifi code to help mah sis.
so i had my older sis help.
she pressed a button and sure enough we got wifi for her.
last time i tried it was much harder and i broke the computer so dad had to fix it.
when i tried to get on afterwards it told me i wasn't getting any brodband signal.
so long story short my sis clicked the OFFLINE buuton that the computer asked her to press! :)
the computer asked her to shut it down!
My dad got ****ing ****ed at us and fixed the computer. it was scary how mad he was!
bye. :D