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Attention: this blog has been raTED BORING!

:D did you like the title?:) :| :( :? :x :oops: sorry. I haven't been able to write a blog since Friday but, i have been activebecause i broke my wrist. I had a friend over to help me beat Pw: 2 which i acquired on Saturday. I was doing handstands on my bed and he dropped his DS causing me to lose mah balance, i landed on a sheet from my bed and slid catching myself awkwardly against a wall.
My arm was hurting but, i thought that i was perfectly fine so the next day we got it X-rayed and my wrist had broken. I got A splint on and I still have it on right now. i now have a glow in the dark cast! :P

PW: 2 news:

Im at the end of case 3. I might get trials and tribulations faster than I thought. Because every time I get all A's I get a free videogame from mah parents. I had my final band concert 2 days ago. I play trumpet and some recognizable songs include: George of the jungle, Do wah diddy, and the office theme song! :P Myscience went to the planetarium for a field trip though ive been a bagillion times. Nothing else interesting happened so (cept i just beat case 3 now im hired to defend Matt Engarde! :|bye homeskillets.