i have decided i will beat Majora's Mask once and for all!
i know ive had the game since i entered this horror film but, i had to give my controller back to my friend like 20 billon months ago.
so on friday after 4:00 (school) i will bike to my nearset gamestop and buy a classic controller!:D
i got 502 songs on mytouch. :lol:
one of them happens to be... THE ORCHESRTATED VERSION OF THE KINGDOM HEARTS THEME SONG! :D :D :D :) :) :| :|
the funny thing is i have this stuck in my head. i cant get enough of this game! :cry:
i start getting addicted at 2:30s its so awesome!
i HAVE to get the first game for the 3ds when it comes out!
I hope they make all the games for the 3ds before making any new ones so i can catch up! :)
i have to hope cause my parents stink and wont get me a playstation. :(
i can't really say this was updating so glad you liked my rant!